How to use intelisense in visual studio code?

i try this page for intelisense.but it not work.
where is wrong?
please help me,

I’m not sure if you have to install TypeScript to use types. Try it, if you have not installed it yet npm install -g typescript

You could us my Phaser 3 Template which does all for you or just look how I did it.

thanks for comment.i install type script.but it not work yet.
i try templete next.

it should work if you open up the phaser.d.ts file, and scroll up and down a little. Another way is to install typescript and then tsc --init , go into the tsconfig and edit this in

     "typeRoots": ["./typings"],   /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */

Thank you very much.
Is there a tutorial?
Is the required module as follows?

From what I see in your first screenshot, the Intellisense is working fine, nothing completely off there besides the triple slash directive (/// <reference path="defs/phaser.d.ts" />) is unnecessary

For a minimalistic approach, you can also try to replace the contents of your jsconfig.json to

    "typeAcquisition": {
        "include": []

Also, do reload VS code whenever testing around with configs by CTRL+SHIFT+P and reload window.

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thanks for comment.
i try youtube tutorial.
is this work intelisense?

It looks like it does work.

If not, I have just created a very simple phaser starter project which uses intelisense.

Thank you
It works just like a template
But youtube’s tutorial does not have tsconfig
Is tsconfig necessary?

tsconfig is for TypeScript, you can use TypeScript if you are really interested in typing(which is how intellisense works behind the scenes) which is highly beneficial.

For Javascript is recommended to use jsconfig, which then can remove the nasty JsDoc declaration along with dynamic type import such as the /** @type {import("../typings/phaser")} */

Thanks. Friend had a problem with Intellisense. and your solution worked like a charm.