How to limit FPS with Phaser 3?

First I would try to verify the game loop actualFps and delta values.

Can you tell what’s running faster or slower — frame animations, physics, tweens?

Sorry, I am new to Phaser and would like to know how to get these values ??

My codes are similar in a way that I will have the
var config ={…}
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

I tried, game.time.actualFps,this.actualFps,this.time.actualFps and it doesn’t work. Console log these and it shows “undefined” or jus pops out an error message “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘actualFps’)”

In your first scene do console.log( once and then verify that targetFps is 60 and raf.isSetTimeOut is true.

In scene update look at and

Hi ! Thank You and Sorry for the late reply. The reason fps: { forceSetTimeOut: true, target: 60 } does not work was because I was using an old ver of Phaser. (ngl i felt v stupid whn this was the reason)