Keyboard codes for input WASD vs ZQSD on AZERTY keyboard?

I forgot to reply, but given these keyCodes I see that there is no overlap between the QWERTY and AZERTY keycodes and the directions, the combinations keyCode/directions are all unique. In other words there is no keyCode used for one certain direction in QWERTY and a different direction in AZERTY.

So… there is no need to distinguish between the two keyboard layouts and I just do this :smiley:

onKeyDown: function(evt) {
	var dir = DIR_NONE;

	// cursors
	if (evt.keyCode === 38) dir = DIR_UP;    // cursor up
	if (evt.keyCode === 40) dir = DIR_DOWN;  // cursor down
	if (evt.keyCode === 37) dir = DIR_LEFT;  // cursor left
	if (evt.keyCode === 39) dir = DIR_RIGHT; // cursor right

	// WASD
	if (evt.keyCode === 87) dir = DIR_UP;    // W
	if (evt.keyCode === 83) dir = DIR_DOWN;  // S
	if (evt.keyCode === 65) dir = DIR_LEFT;  // A
	if (evt.keyCode === 68) dir = DIR_RIGHT; // D
	// ZQSD azerty keyboard support
	if (evt.keyCode === 90) dir = DIR_UP;    // Z
	//if (evt.keyCode === 83) dir = DIR_DOWN;  // S same as QWERTY
	if (evt.keyCode === 81) dir = DIR_LEFT;  // Q
	//if (evt.keyCode === 68) dir = DIR_RIGHT; // D same as QWERTY

	// handle input
	// etc.