You can also use webpack to lazyload your scenes with code splitting. See the snippet below which is from my phaser template.
export default class PreloadScene extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'PreloadScene' })
preload() {
this.load.image('phaser-logo', 'assets/img/phaser-logo.png')
create() {
* This is how you would dynamically import the mainScene class (with code splitting),
* add the mainScene to the Scene Manager
* and start the scene.
* The name of the chunk would be 'mainScene.chunk.js
* Find more about code splitting here:
// let someCondition = true
// if (someCondition)
// import(/* webpackChunkName: "mainScene" */ './mainScene').then(mainScene => {
// this.scene.add('MainScene', mainScene.default, true)
// })
// else console.log('The mainScene class will not even be loaded by the browser')