[Phaser 3] Clash of Cats - a pvp multiplayer ping pong

Hello there!

I’ve made a ping-pong fully multiplayer game. It’s based on deterministic model and WebSockets.
You can check it here: https://rmg-clocats-dev.gbln.app/

Also I offer a ready-to use backend technology which you can use to make similar or more complicated multiplayer games.

Everything is open-source.
See source code of the game here: https://github.com/red-machine-games/clash-of-cats-game
And check out backend source code here: https://github.com/red-machine-games/goblin-base-server
Also check out javascript server SDK here: https://github.com/red-machine-games/goblin-javascript-asset

Hope you’ll like it.

Why a viral license?

Hello. If you about AGPL, it was from the beginning. Going MIT after some short time