Video event "on complete" suddenly stopped working

I have a video which is like an introduction to the main screen, and the main screen is supposed to be displayed when the video finishes.
I was using “on complete” event on this video to then call a function to display the main screen. But I’m having troubles to make this event work, even though it was working before, on my test it just now ignores it. Does anyone has any info that could help? I didn’t change anything and now it doesn’t work anymore!

What is your code?

Update: It seems to be working right now, but again, I never changed anything related to it, so I don’t know what the problem was

It works now, but I didn’t change it:

    LoginVideo =, CENTER_Y, 'loadFinished');;

The add Login function is used to take you to the next screen, but the event wasn’t being triggered before. I don’t know why, but I hope this keep working…