Welcome to Phaser 4

As the development of Phaser 4 has restarted in 2021, it was high time we created a forum specifically to talk about it. This is that place. Here are some handy links to get up to speed:

Phaser 4 GitHub repo: https://github.com/phaserjs/phaser

Phaser 4 Dev Examples repo: https://github.com/phaserjs/dev

Phaser 4 Examples Sandbox: https://phaserjs.github.io/dev/examples/live/

Phaser 4 Dev Logs:

April 2021
All about the new build tools, new sandbox, and how to get started.

June 2020
The new RenderPass and World 3D objects.

May 2020
Multiple Entry Points, Renderer Updates, Render Layers, Effect Layers, and more.

April 2020
Structural changes, mono packages, Farewell God classes, and Scenes.

March 2020
The new Render Cache, Input Mapping, tiny bundle sizes.

February 2020
Canvas support and the evolution of the WebGL Renderer.

December 2019
This dev log is mostly about Phaser 3 Matter Physics updates, but does have v4 updates, too :slight_smile:

November 2019
Experimenting with Pico.gl, drawcalls and texture fills.

September 2019
Discussing how coding with v4 will be very different compared to before.

Phaser 4 Development Process - August 2019
A long and exhaustive look at how Phaser 4 will be developed.

Phaser 4 Announcement Post - July 2019
The original announcement press release.


Seeking Top WebGL Developers to Shape the Future of Game Development - December 2023

I’m very pleased to have partnered with Open Core Ventures to form Phaser Studio Inc. This new company is dedicated to developing Phaser and creating products and services around it. I will lead the company as CTO, and my initial focus will be hiring a team of engineers to work on Phaser full-time. Once the hiring process is complete, it will allow us to accelerate the development of Phaser 4 and the wider Phaser ecosystem.


We still have a decision to make about version numbers. The ES6/ESM version will almost certainly be our 4.0.0 release. The “old” 2021 Phaser 4 has been put on ice, and the repo set to Private. There are no plans to re-open it. I feel that now, with our team in place, we can easily migrate the more important core concepts I explored into the current version of Phaser, so everyone can benefit without having to start over from scratch.

When Phaser Studio changes into its next form in 2025, we will look at implementing 3D, WebGPU, and other features by evolving the framework, not replacing it. No more throwing the baby out with the bath water. Evolution is the key.

Phaser World 170 (March 2024)