Which files to upload when publishing online

In case anyone is wondering, thanks to @BlunT76 I figured out how to actually get it running. I publish my files to Github pages. Here’s my structure of my files:

root–>v0.3 (helps me to see how I progressed on my game)
→ node_modules
→ src
| → assets (tilemaps, spritesheets, sounds, etc)
| → player (for player related logic)
| → plugins (put min.js files of the plugins I used here)
| → scenes (code for different scenes here)
→ webpack
→ index.html

Since I’m using the Phaser 3 + ES6 + Webpack bundle template, I can locally run in my v0.3 folder index.html through npm build and npm start.

Once I’m satisfied with my changes, I push to github, then do npm run build to create a dist subfolder under v0.3 folder. I also copy the necessary files from src to dist so that it it preloads everything (all the assets really) nicely. I can then basically go to index.html online on my github page and then view the game I created.