Adding Gif to phaser

I’m trying to add gif to phaser game.
Currently I’m using gifuct-js

 import { parseGIF, decompressFrames } from 'gifuct-js'
var promisedGif = fetch('')
      .then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer())
      .then(buff => {
          var gif = parseGIF(buff)
          var frames = decompressFrames(gif, true);
          let ancillaryCanvas = this.textures.createCanvas('frames', frames[0].dims.width * frames.length, frames[0].dims.height)
          let ancillaryContext = ancillaryCanvas.context
          for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
              let thisFramesImageData = ancillaryContext.createImageData(frames[i].dims.width, frames[i].dims.height)
              ancillaryContext.putImageData(thisFramesImageData, frames[i].dims.width * i, 0)
              ancillaryCanvas.add(i, 0, frames[i].dims.width * i, 0, frames[i].dims.width, frames[i].dims.height)
              key: 'animatedGif',
              frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('frames', { start: 1, end: frames.length }),
              frameRate: Math.floor(1000 / frames[0].delay),
              repeat: -1
          let animatedGif = this.add.sprite(200, 200, 'frames').play('animatedGif')

I get this warning :
Screenshot 2022-05-17 132814
along with black screen

If I decrease the width value in createCanvas like:

let ancillaryCanvas = this.textures.createCanvas('frames', 16000, frames[0].dims.height)

The gif will work but last few frame turn blur
Screenshot 2022-05-17 133127
along with generateFrameNumbers: Frame 56 missing from texture: frames warning.

Fixed this issue when url was changed but not sure why this happens.

I think you would use { start: 1, end: frames.length - 1 }.

It might be easier to convert the image outside of Phaser.

Even if I do the above change and use this .gif, the screen will stay black. Only after changing the .gif to low frame rate the gif starts to work.
Is this issue because of frame rate issue?

That was to address the Frame 56 missing warning.

It’s possible the canvas is just too large.


Thanks for the reply

Why do we add this to the code and it would be helpful if you mention where exactly should I add it.
When I tried doing it I got frames of the gif below the black screen(which should be the gif playing).

Is there anyway I can fix this problem?

It’s so you can see the whole image.

You can try using a canvas like 4096 × 4096 and put the frames in rows and columns. Or even use multiple canvases.

Or use

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So I can alter the for loop to get this image.
How to use multiple canvas?
Thank you.

This really helped Thanks.

Currently I’m facing a problem of gif not converting to frames properly.
I think it’s because of plugin. Is there a way to fix this?

if I have 10 frames as separate canvas each. How do I animate them?

You don’t need multiple canvases for one image unless you can’t fit all the frames within 4096 × 4096 or so.

Why not just use gif2sprite?

I get the gif as link from the users and need to display it. So I need to do it in code itself.

What I meant was that each frame is stored as separate canvas.

Can you explain about this or give a example code?. Right now I store each frames as canvas like frames[0], frames[1]. I don’t know how to animate this.

Like animation/animation from png sequence. I don’t think you should use one canvas per frame though, it’s inefficient.

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