Hello - pretty new to Phaser. I’ve made some small things but am now expanding.
I am trying to convert all my old flash content using Phaser.
I had an aquarium that I coded, which had fish and decorations that need to be imported and runtime (and will vary each time). I exported the “fish” using Animate CC, which generated images and JS files fo each and they look like this:
=== random fish .js ==========
(function (cjs, an) {
var p; // shortcut to reference prototypes
var lib={};var ss={};var img={};
lib.ssMetadata = [
{name:“AchillesTang_HTML5 Canvas_atlas_”, frames: [[294,232,56,56],[381,0,208,297],[0,338,152,83],[294,299,219,120],[0,232,292,104],[0,0,379,230],[154,338,56,56]]}
// symbols:
(lib.CachedBmp_64 = function() {
this.initialize(ss[“AchillesTang_HTML5 Canvas_atlas_”]);
… lots more loading and code to animate
my aquarium.js
var scene = new Phaser.Scene(“game”);
scene.preload = function() {
scene.create = function() {
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 630,
height: 500,
backgroundcolor: “#FFFFFF”,
scene: scene,
parent: ‘phaser-div’
const aquarium = new Phaser.Game(config);
Is it possible at runtime to “import” random fish .js files into this phaser aquarium (and assigned to an object so I can make them ‘swim’)?