I have this code
this.up = this.input.keyboard.addKey('W');
this.down = this.input.keyboard.addKey('S');
this.left = this.input.keyboard.addKey('A');
this.right = this.input.keyboard.addKey('D');
and use
if (this.down.isDown) {}
for movement but HTML elements above the canvas only receive every key other than those 4. Is there a way to stop phaser from capturing them? Thanks.
a workaround could be,
disable the keyboard input with
this.input.keyboard.enabled = false;
or just those keys :
this.up.enabled = false;
and re-enable it by setting this variable to true.
so maybe if your mouse it out of your game, you could disable the keyboard, and re-enable it when your mouse is over the game.
best of luck.
Thanks for your response but unfortunately the keys are still being captured even with
this.input.keyboard.enabled = false;.