Arcade Physics Collider – Sprite does not collide when tweening scale


I’ve used this Phaser example and added an immovable collide sprite:
Stop at position

This works fine normally, but if I add a tween scale the sprite goes through the collider sprite.
Is there a way to stop this?

Reading many posts on the subject it’s something to do with the velocity I think?

Any help on this would be great. Thanks!

Code below of the mainscene:

    import PhaserLogo from '../objects/phaserLogo'
    var target = new Phaser.Math.Vector2();
    var debug;
    var maincharacter;
    var distanceText;
    var yText;
    var obstacle;
    var obstacleLeft;

    export default class MainScene extends Phaser.Scene {

      constructor() {
        super({ key: 'MainScene' })

      create() {
        maincharacter = this.physics.add.sprite(900, this.cameras.main.width / 2 - 20, 'phaser-logo');
        obstacleLeft = this.physics.add.sprite(750, 0, 'obstacle').setImmovable();

        obstacleLeft.displayHeight = this.cameras.main.height;
        obstacleLeft.body.immovable = true;
        obstacleLeft.body.moves = false;
        obstacleLeft.body.allowGravity = false;

        debug =;


        this.input.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
          target.x = pointer.x;
          target.y = pointer.y;
            //move the character to an xy point
          this.physics.moveToObject(maincharacter, target, 400);
            //if Y is less than 400 – scale character down
          if (target.y < 400) {

             targets: maincharacter.body.velocity ,
             ease: 'Linear',
              duration: 500,
              onComplete: function (tween, targets)
                        scale: .5,
                        targets: maincharacter,
                        ease: 'Linear',
                       duration: 500,
    //if Y is more than 400 – scale character back to 1
          if (target.y > 400) {
              targets: maincharacter.body.velocity ,
              ease: 'Linear',
               duration: 500,
               onComplete: function (tween, targets)
                         scale: 1,
                         targets: maincharacter,
                         ease: 'Linear',
                        duration: 500,


      }, this);

      //create collider with obstacleLeft
      this.physics.add.collider(maincharacter, obstacleLeft, function (maincharacter, obstacle) {

      distanceText = this.add.text(10, 10, 'X Position:', { fill: '#ff004e' });
      yText = this.add.text(10, 30, 'Y Position:', { fill: '#ff004e' });


      update() {
        var distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(maincharacter.x, maincharacter.y, target.x, target.y);

        if (maincharacter.body.speed > 0)
            distanceText.setText('X Position: ' + target.x);
            yText.setText('Y Position: ' + target.y);
            //  4 is our distance tolerance, i.e. how close the source can get to the target
            //  before it is considered as being there. The faster it moves, the more tolerance is required.
            if (distance < 4)
              maincharacter.body.reset(target.x, target.y);

Resizing a body while it’s colliding with another can cause instability.

Increase overlapBias (e.g., 8) in your Arcade Physics config.

Thanks, I ended up using a combination of Navmesh and colliders to stop the sprite sticking on the navmesh corners.
