Best approach for color words in Text GameObject


Currently, I put a text game object in my game. I want put some words with colors:

Hi, this is my sword. Great!

I think that Phaser don’t support this.
I see some plugins like as:

Today, What is the ideal option? Any approach to do it natively?

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Hi @Manz,
If you use bitmaptext objects, the new version 3.50 (still in beta) comes with the method BitmapText.setWordTint .
More info here:

Great @jjcapellan,

I had not valued that option, Thank you!

Currently, I use .woff2 files to fonts (I think that this font type is better than bitmaptext if needed change to multiple sizes). However, I will try to change.

Some alternative without use BitmapText or Phaser Beta?