Can I load a background image with TileMap.images (Image Layer from Tiled)?

Hi all,

I’m new to Phaser 3. The documentation seems slightly scattered across the web so I’m hoping someone can finally clear up my confusion.

Is it possible to load a background image from Tilemap.images array?

I have an Image Layer within Tiled and loaded in via const map = this.load.tilemapTiledJSON(). If I look into map.images I see the image loaded into Tiled.

However, after doing some digging I realized map.images is a basic array of objects. Each object contains:

    alpha: 1
    image: "../tilesets/landscape.png"
    name: "background"
    ​​​properties: Object {  }
    ​​​visible: true
    ​​​x: 0
    ​​​y: 0

It looks like the only useful information it contains is the path to the image. Is there even a point to loading background images from Image Layers within Tiled?