I make an educational program in Phaser 3 for my pupils who are at home now because of the coronacrisis in Belgium. It’s a dictation program in Dutch. They hear a word, then they see some letters (buttons) on the screen. When they click the right buttons, it’s the intention the buttons disappear for a new collection of buttons for a new word.
I create the buttons with the following code:
this.buttonLetters[t] = new ButtonImage(this, startX1 + (160 * t), 1015,‘letters’, (letter + ‘.png’), () => this.actionButtonLetter(t,showLetters),’’);
letters is a spritesheet with all the letters of the alfabet.
actionButtonLetter is a function: when a button is clicked, the letter is showed on the screen.
showLetters is a function that shows the letters the pupil has chosen.
Everything works fine, except the end. When the word is typed correctly, I will destroy the buttons to make place for a new collection:
for(let t:number = 0; t < this.word.length; t++){
I got an error: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined (for this.knopletters[t])
I hope that someone can give me a good solution. My program is nearly finished, but now I’m stuck on this problem.
Thx in advance!