Console.log statement prints forever and everever

im trying to learn the framework and made a load scene and a menu scene, real simple with only console.log to see if it works and it dit but not the way intented, i want to get one messeage not a gazillion, and i really cant see in the code that it should print infinite times :stuck_out_tongue: any ideas?


i did follow a guide and did exactly what he said :stuck_out_tongue: and yet i get this problem

Your menu scene is basically calling to start itself whenever it creates itself, so basically an infinite recursion there.

Remove the line in the create in your menu would fix this

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thanks man! it worked! but im confused over why he didnt get it infinite. he had the line there in create, but i guess if it aint broke dont fix it applys here :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there are some are you points you probably missed out from the tutorial, would you provide where is the tutorial?