I’m creating a new BitmapData object and apply alpha-masking on it.
Then store resulting BitmapData into a sprite object for better handling.
I need to destroy the BitmapData after creating the sprite as I’m creating lot’s of BitmapData. And that results in a lot of memory usage.
However when I destroy the BitmapData object my sprite becomes empty.
How can I destroy the BitmapData but retain the data inside the sprite object.
You can refer the below Phaser sample for same
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, ‘phaser-example’, { preload: preload, create: create });
game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x4d4d4d;
game.add.text(64, 10, 'Source image', { font: '16px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' })
game.add.image(64, 32, 'pic');
game.add.text(400, 10, 'Alpha mask', { font: '16px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' })
game.add.image(400, 32, 'mask');
// Create a new bitmap data the same size as our picture
var bmd = game.make.bitmapData(320, 256);
// And create an alpha mask image by combining pic and mask from the cache
bmd.alphaMask('pic', 'mask');
// A BitmapData is just a texture. You need to apply it to a sprite or image
// to actually display it:
game.add.image(game.world.centerX, 320, bmd).anchor.set(0.5, 0);
In v2 you can do var texture = bitmapdata.generateTexture('ball');
In v3 you have to create a canvasTexture, and draw you bitmap on to it.
Not sure what the point is though, same memory footprint.
Thank you for quick reply.
Using generateTexture does help but only in Chrome.
This function has issues in Firefox and other browsers on 1st load thus was using
this.game.cache.addTexture function instead and getting the texture through ‘bitMapData.baseTexture.source’.
In my scenario I’m using CE 2.10.1 and have a lot of animations in game. So after playing for an hour or so the memory consumption goes in gb thus I need to destroy the BitmapData post generating the alpha mask.
var image = new Image();
image.src = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var obj = this.game.cache.addImage(key, '', image);
return new PIXI.Texture(obj.base);
There is no way this is not supported by ANY browser.
I use this all the time in Firefox.
The Bitmapdata is not your problem…
These are the links of issues where I got to know about the issue of generateTexture.
Initially I was using the generateTexture function and destroying the BitmapData object and worked fine. Till I noticed the issue of Firefox. Please note that this issue comes only on 1st load not on sub-sequent loads. As a work around I add this.game.cache.addTexture or this.game.cache.addSprite but then I can not delete the BitmapData object.
I have no idea what ‘1st load’ has to do with anything. Maybe you should implement something that assures the assets are loaded.
You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist.