Can someone explain me difference between:
Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite and Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite?
How can i know which one to use??
Or is there any more sprite clases that i can use
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite has some extra physics methods.
You don’t usually use either class directly. Instead you call this.add.sprite(…)
or this.physics.add.sprite(…)
Are you using Arcade Physics? Do you want to use physics on this sprite?
Yes i want.
I want to create new class that extends one for physics so i can create player objects and move them for RPG.
So for every this.physics.add.sprite i need to call add.existing after creating?
And if i am correct i must use physics.add onr because if i want collision to layers, etc?
Thanks in advance
If you’re extending a game object class then you need to call this.add.existing(…)
somewhere, yes.
I created class like this: export default class Player extends Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite
and created this.player = new Player({scene: this,x:150, y:150, texture: ‘iddle’,frame: ‘survivor-idle_rifle_0’});
Problem is now that when i call ‘this.setVelocityX’ it in update function to move player it says cant set on null.
should i enable body, add existing or something or ‘Arcade.Sprite’ so i can move it with keyboard?
Should i add some code or i am missing something?
You need to do this.physics.add.existing(…)
or this.physics.enable(…)