DOM object attaches to last added camera

Hello. I created an HTML interface for my game. This worked well until I added another camera besides the main one to implement the mini map. The DOM object only appears on the last camera. How do I make the DOM object visible in the main camera?

As there’s no way to show a single DOM object in multiple places, DOM elements must only be used in scenes with one camera. This is a documented limitation.

I don’t think there’s a way around this other than the documented solution of using separate scenes. The DOM element will be made invisible if the last camera that renders it ignores it.

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I have the same problem.

I understand you can work around this by creating parallel scenes, but I wish I could just set the “default” camera as host of the DOM elements.

Try ignoring the DOM game objects on all the extra (non-main) cameras in the scene.

Just tried, then it’s not shown on either cameras.

This reproduces the issue (remove 2nd camera to see the original position):