Exchange image of Spine object during runtime

Hi there,

I wanted to replace my spine image, which is defined in the atlas, with any other image (from a remote location) but during runtime.

This is how I load and use spine:

// preload():
this.load.spine('fish', 'fish.json', 'fish.atlas.txt', true);
// ... create():
this.add.spine(450, 300, "fish", "animationName", true);

Now I get an event that a user has uploaded an image on my server and I simply want to apply all the spine data to that image.

onImageUploaded(image_url) {
   // Take image_url as graphic and apply it to my fish spine

The problem is that the image name is defined in the atlas file.

Is there any way to dynamically create or alter the atlas file?

I don’t want and can’t create a new atlas file for every upload on the server!

I tried already to create a Blob() on the fly with the edited atlas content and then load it, but that didn’t work out:

var atlas_content = `
size: 1024,1024
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
  rotate: false
  xy: 2, 2
  size: 961, 582
  orig: 961, 582
  offset: 0, 0
  index: -1

var data = new Blob([atlas_content], { type: 'text/plain'} );
var atlas_file = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

this.load.spine('fish', 'export/fish.json', atlas_file, true);

Or in other words: I want to have a “skeleton” and simply apply any image I want to it during run time:

var spine = this.add.spine(450, 300, "fish", "animationName", true);
spine.image = ""

Thanks a lot for any ideas and help!

Using Phaser 3.5.0

There is a demonstration here on how a character changes images or skin:

I found a (dirty) solution to loading custom atlas.txt files.

I hacked into the onProcess function of the TextFile class in the phaser-spine-plugin.js

onProcess() {
  // ...
  if (this.src.endsWith(".atlas.txt") && window['spineFactory']) { = window.spineFactory.create(this.src);
  } else { = this.xhrLoader.responseText;

Also in the File Class I edited the load function:

if (this.src.endsWith(".atlas.txt")) {

  var my_xhr = {
     responseURL: this.src,
    readyState: 4
  var my_event = {
    target: {
      status: 200
  this.onLoad(my_xhr, my_event);

} else {
  this.xhrLoader = XHRLoader(this, this.loader.xhr);

Instead of making a remote request to get an .atlas.txt file, I return a string from a factory function:

window.spineFactory = {};
window.spineFactory.base_url = ""; // Can be a remote url for the image

// My url look like this: IMAGE_NAME.IMAGE_TYPE.atlas.txt
window.spineFactory.create = function(url) {
  var paths = url.split("/");
  var filename = paths[paths.length - 1];
  var file_parts = filename.split(".");
  var image_file = this.base_url + file_parts[0];
  var type = file_parts[1];

// Fish
if (type === "fish") {

// Make sure to have no indentations!
  const atlas_str = `
size: 1024,1024
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
  rotate: false
  xy: 2, 2
  size: 961, 582
  orig: 961, 582
  offset: 0, 0
  index: -1`;

  return atlas_str;

Now I can apply a spine to any image which has been loaded dynamically / on run time.

Other ideas I had were to Proxy the XMLHttpRequest object or to use a service worker, but in the end it didn’t work out.

Hi, @Zeus , can you share the files where we need to update these code?