I use this extended group :
class PlayerMachinegun extends Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Group {
constructor (world, scene, config) {
super(world, scene, config);
this.delay = 83;
this.nextShot = 0;
I use it this way, pooling bullets (extended sprites) :
playerMg = new PlayerMachinegun (
{classType: Bullet,
defaultKey: 'bullet',
maxSize: 50,
runChildUpdate: true}
active: false,
visible: false,
key: playerMg.defaultKey,
repeat: playerMg.maxSize - 1,
My problem : I can fire bullets, they move, overlap, play an animation, but their update method is not executed. Everything’s fine when I use a non-extended group.
I tried to add my group with this.physics.add.existing
like I do with extended sprites, but it didn’t work : no sprite overlapped anymore, including sprites from non-extended groups.
Do you think the sprites are not in the scene’s update list ? If so, how to add them correctly ?
Thanks !