Firefox weird text behaviour

Firefox 63.0.3

Text added to sprite with game.add.text(); behaves incorrectly in certain situations (which are I am looking into still)

Text’s style:

    let style = {
        font: "32px SomeFont, sans-serif",
        fill: "#0F0",
        align: "center"

p.t = game.add.text(0, 0, "randomText", style);
p.t.anchor.set(0.5, 2);

(p is a player sprite which text is supposed to follow which it does)

Chrome displays most text with this font 80% of times. Sometimes it falls back to default phaser font I guess.
Firefox however seemingly never shows text, but it does - it’s just very small, about 4 pixels of font size.

Same code - different behavior. Obviously it’s supposed to be firefox’s fault but I just felt like for cross-browser compatibility purposes this should be reported.


Looks like a webfont loading problem.

Maybe. Keep in mind that ttf font is stored locally and I refreshed the game with both soft and hard reset (F5 and Ctrl+shift+R) multiple times.

It appears it was browser’s bug/lag whatever.
Both chrome and firefox load the font correctly and text is displayed properly. Chrome also shows a warning but works 100% of refreshes:

[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading: URL To Font