Game.renderer.resize breaks on Phaser

Hi, I just updated my Phaser to 3.21.0 and when I am using game.renderer.resize
Nothing is rendered. Am I missing a step or this breaks right now?

AFAIK renderer.resize() works (because the Scale Manager uses it) but you shouldn’t need to call it yourself. You would use game.scale.resize(…) instead.

What are you trying to do?

If you remove renderer.resize(…) does the problem go away?

Add debugger; and step through your renderer.resize() call. Are the values right?

I mean, I am calling it as renderer.resize(width, height);
to resize the game

I tried any values for testing purpose, causing the whole screen goes blank.

I was using 3.15.0 with renderer.resize(width, height); which works fine, and after updating to 3.21.0, renderer.resize(width, height); causing everything goes blank when calling/using it.

But I manage to fix my project I think by removing renderer.resize(width, height); and not using it.
I wonder if this new phaser version I don’t really need renderer.resize(width, height) anymore?