Get camera.worldView.x and .y intended (final result) before panning animation completes

Hi, in my game I initialize camera.startFollow() on my player with a lerp of say 0.3 (ie- smooth panning camera as it follows player)

I’m using the camera.worldView to help with other math involving positioning some other stuff.

My problem is that when player moves, i’m not getting the immediate ‘final result’ camera.worldView.x and .y but rather those values return the ‘in flight’ values ie- the values as the camera is still panning.

I actually just thought of a potential solution while writing this; and that is 2 use a hidden camera that would have a lerp of 0 such that my other stuff can use that camera and the main animated camera can do its thing.

Anyway, might as well post this regardless so if you have another solution or if there is a simpler way feel free to chime-in, thx.

There’s a FOLLOW_UPDATE event for this.

Right, thx, I looked at that but the event doesn’t seem to return anything useful; just the game object being followed and camera in question. But I already have references to those. The data I need is the destination worldView.x/y (ie- without lerp factored into it) when said event occurs.

Its fine though cause the double-camera tek I mentioned above is working. Basially a duplicate camera with alpha set to 0.001 and that has no lerp and this way I can reference that instead of the lerping camera which can do its thing for the visual aspect.