Glitched animation on mobile?


I’m trying to move a Sprite using Tweens, and it looks fine on my PC, but when I try it on mobile via browser, the animation is glitched.

Video and sprites here:

What could be causing this?

This is my config file:

    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    parent: 'content',
    width: SCREEN_WIDTH,
    height: SCREEN_HEIGHT,
    scale: {
        mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
        autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
    autoRound: false,
    pixelArt: true,

Thank you

What is the tweening code?

Oh nvm, you mean the the sprite texture appearance.

I’m using rexPathFollower plugin, here is the code:

    moveHeroThroughPath = (path) => {
        const pathFollowerPlugin = this.scene.plugins.get('rexPathFollower');
        const pathFollower = pathFollowerPlugin.add(this, { path });

            targets: pathFollower,
            t: 1,
            ease: 'Linear', // 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back'
            duration: path.getPathLength() * 10,
            repeat: 0,
            yoyo: false,
            onComplete: (tween, target) => {

The problem is the pirate’s right eye looks askew etc.?

You could try autoRound: true.