Except when i log it else where it returns the entire group with all its properties.
alive: true
alpha: 1
cameraOffset: Phaser.Point {x: 0, y: 0, type: 25}
children: (55) [P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite,
P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite, P…r.Sprite]
classType: ƒ (game, x, y, key, frame)
cursor: Phaser.Sprite {type: 0, physicsType: 0, position: P…r.Point, scale: P…r.Point, pivot: P…
r.Point, …}
cursorIndex: 0
enableBody: true
enableBodyDebug: false
exists: true
filterArea: null
fixedToCamera: false
game: Phaser.Game {id: 0, config: {…}, physicsConfig: undefined, parent: "spaceinvaders", width: 720, …}
hash: []
hitArea: null
ignoreChildInput: false
ignoreDestroy: false
inputEnableChildren: false
name: "group"
onChildInputDown: Phaser.Signal {}
onChildInputOut: Phaser.Signal {}
onChildInputOver: Phaser.Signal {}
onChildInputUp: Phaser.Signal {}
onDestroy: Phaser.Signal {}
parent: Phaser.World {game: P…r.Game, name: "__world", z: 0, position: P…r.Point, scale: P… r.Point, …}
pendingDestroy: false
physicsBodyType: 1
physicsSortDirection: null
physicsType: 7
pivot: Phaser.Point {x: 0, y: 0, type: 25}
position: Phaser.Point {x: 0, y: 0, type: 25}
renderable: false
rotation: 0
scale: Phaser.Point {x: 1, y: 1, type: 25}
type: 7
updateOnlyExistingChildren: false
visible: true
worldAlpha: 1
worldPosition: Phaser.Point {x: 0, y: 0, type: 25}
worldRotation: -0
worldScale: Phaser.Point {x: 1, y: 1, type: 25}
worldTransform: Phaser.Matrix {a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, tx: 0, …}
z: 4
_bounds: Phaser.Rectangle {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, type: 22}
_cacheAsBitmap: false
_cacheIsDirty: false
_cr: 1
_currentBounds: null
_mask: null
_sortProperty: "z"
_sr: 0
angle: (...)
bottom: (...)
cacheAsBitmap: (...)
centerX: (...)
centerY: (...)
filters: (...)
height: (...)
left: (...)
length: (...)
mask: (...)
right: (...)
top: (...)
total: (...)
width: (...)
worldVisible: (...)
x: (...)
y: (...)
__proto__: PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer