Handling errors on phone?

Mine is a simple one-player game so there is no infrastructure to do anything fancy. Not ported to anything native, just running the desktop game on the phone.

Better than a frozen condition if the game crashes, I wrapped my mainline update loop in a try/catch. My thought is a user could send me a screenshot which might yield a clue about why it failed.

I wonder what you are doing or would advise? Thanks!

        try {
           // all the things
        } catch (err) {
        if (didFail) { // we need one more frame update to display the error
            throw ("the wheels, they have come off the wagon again")
        console.log("ERROR " + err);
        console.log("STACK " + err.stack);
        didFail = true;

        var ratfarts = this.add.graphics();
        ratfarts.fillStyle(0x0000FF, 1);
        var fail = new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0,0,800,600);
        this.add.text(0, 40, err);
        this.add.text(0, 100, err.stack);

Why not use adb tools in a browser and run a phone emulator, it gives you the same console as a browser.