It depends on what you want. FIT scales the whole canvas to fit its container and is easy to use. For a truly responsive game you would use RESIZE but then it’s up to you to reposition and rescale game objects in a resize event handler.
If you need the background to act like background-size:cover in CSS, you can simulate that by changing the size of your background base on the game’s size. This is how I make it in my project
// add background to scene
const background = scene.add.image(0, 0, 'texture');
// resize background to cover the screen
// since my game is full screen, I use the window size as my game size
function resize(){
const newSize = backgroundCover(background, {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight});
background.setDisplaySize(newSize.width, newSize.height);
// on game resize
scene.scale.on('resize', resize);