How to create 'bounce' effect after getting hit by spike?

@samme : what happens is when falling down, the Y-velocity increases. It should stay uniform. It should NOT keep increasing.

That’s the effect of gravity, I assume. My example has it and Sonic has it.

You can set maxVelocity.y to limit it.

@samme : I guess I will have to show you a video of both to get you to see what I mean.

Here’s MY demo :

Here’s YOUR demo :

What’s the difference, though? With camera follow it looks the same to me.

@samme : do you see my player falling EXTREMELY fast, then gets faster & faster & faster as it falls off the edge of the map & resets? It should be doing EXACTLY what your above demo is doing. Where it has one speed while falling & that speed doesn’t increase. I used -600 just like you, but it keeps increasing the speed.

At what time in the video do you first see something wrong, and what is it?

@samme : Are you not seeing the speed of my player falling increasing by a huge amount as she falls?

Are you talking about the player leaving the screen (between 6s and 7s)?

@samme : well it’s hard to tell, however it is doing that for the WHOLE time the player touches the spike, down to the edge of the map.

Doing what?

@samme : it is increasing in velocity. Even though yours clearly does NOT do that.

Bomb dude is also increasing velocity, up to the maximum, 10000.

@samme : O is he? I didn’t know that…