In my code I am trying to call .destroy(); on my player in a collision function but everytime I try to destroy my player or do anything like that in any of my functions the game freezes/crashes. Any ideas/help greatly appreciated. Also sorry if the code looks a bit messy I couldnt figure out how to properly upload the code snippit.
function create() {
cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
player = this.physics.add.sprite(200, 200, ‘player’);
spikes =;
bullets ={
allowGravity: false,
//when bullet touches spikes destroy that spike
this.physics.add.overlap(bullets, spikes, hitSpike, null, this);
//when player touches spike kill the spike
this.physics.add.overlap(player, spikes, killSpike, null, this);
//bullet destroy spike
function hitSpike (bullet, spike)
var crystal = crystals.create(spike.x, spike.y, ‘crystal’);
//kill player
function killSpike (player, spike) {