
Good morning, everyone,

for my game I have coded a basic life system and once the collision with the sprite is done I destroy it but it continues to work even after being destroyed how to fix it?

My code :

//condition for wins the health points
if (character.x < life.x + life.width + 33 && character.x + character.width - 33

life.x && healthPoints !==3 )
//Once time the sprite enter in collision this one is deleted of the memory

Are you calling that in create() or update()?

Did you try setting it to null?

I put this piece of code in a function that itself is in Update()

yes i have try but not results

I have one results now when i affect the value NULL the incrementation is stopping but I recup all my HP when i fail

I don’t know what your HP code looks like or if you have a logical error in your code somewhere so that’s not something I can answer for you.

Here are my 2 functions that manage my HP (sorry to answer that now) :

function LoseHP()
bridge.rotated = false;

 if (character.body.pos.x >= 451 ) 
    character.body.pos.x = 505;
    character.body.pos.y = 505;
    bridge.body.pos.x = 527;
    bridge.body.pos.y = 528;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.x = 525;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.y = 520;

 }else if (character.body.pos.x >= 223 ) 
    character.body.pos.x = 275;
    character.body.pos.y = 485;
    bridge.body.pos.x = 287;
    bridge.body.pos.y = 528;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.x = 284;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.y = 520;
    bridge.body.pos.x = 95;
    bridge.body.pos.y = 528;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.x = 91;
    bodyBlock.body.pos.y = 520;


function HealthPoints()

//displays the health points

info.setText( healthPoints);

//reset character and the bridge after the fall and lose of HP
if (character.y < wall.y + wall.height && character.y + character.height > wall.y
&& healthPoints !==0)

 platform2Reached = false
 platform3Reached = false
 bridge.rotated = false;*/
 character.body.pos.x = 38;
 character.body.pos.y = 505;
 bridge.body.pos.x = 95;
 bridge.body.pos.y = 528;
 bodyBlock.body.pos.x = 91;
 bodyBlock.body.pos.y = 520;

//condition for wins the health points
if (character.x < life.x + life.width + 33 && character.x + character.width - 33 
    > life.x && healthPoints !==3 ) 
    //Once time the sprite enter in collision this one is deleted of the memory


//Condition of defeat
if (healthPoints == 0) 
    text.setPosition(text.width-20,text.height+150 );


Hello. It is difficult to say what can be wrong in your code, even with the code you posted in your last message… Like “tac” has said, maybe you have a logical error?

Are you sure your collision detection is working? Is your incrementation “healthPoints++” working?

Have you tried to debug your collision by sending a message to the javascript console?

if (character.x < life.x + life.width + 33 && character.x + character.width - 33 > life.x && healthPoints !==3 )
console.log(“Collision is working!”);

If the collision is right… I do not know what else to say …

Maybe you can test the “active” property of your “life” object to check if “life” has been deactivated correctly after destroy().

if(life.active == true){
console.log(“Error → life is allways active after destroy()”);
console.log(“OK → life has been destroyed!”);

If i don’t have correctly understood your problem and the collision is working even if the life has been destroyed, maybe you need to delete life OR set your life variable to “null” or “false”?

life = false; // ← Replace your object by FALSE

if(life !== false){//If life IS NOT FALSE
if (character.x < life.x + life.width + 33 && character.x + character.width - 33 > life.x && healthPoints !==3 )
console.log(“Collision is working!”);
life = false; // ← Life is now FALSE

Hope it will help you!

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Yes it’s fine it works now I don’t get my life back once my heart is destroyed and when I go back to the position it is in.
I just had to make a slight modification my life.destroy() must always be before the 1st life = false otherwise I have an error and I must have only one destroy().