How to create circle image in container or rexui sizer

Hi there.

First, I’m trying to make an FB Leader board like this image I captured it from Caro - an instant game.

And I’m new in Phaser 3.

I know how to create circle image by using mask. But my problem is i can’t use mask for a child in a container. I spent whole day to search solution on GG

Let me tell you how i make Leader board.

I use greate UI plugin of Rex, Scroll panel contains a sizer, that sizer contain many containers as row of rank.

In container i want to create an circle image and i didn’t success with mask

Then i changed my solution to using sizer instead of container. Failed again.

Please help me find better solution.

If i need to post my code here, please tell me.

Thanks so much

Scrollable panel controls the mask of children. Thus the image’s circle mask will be replaced by scrollable panel’s mask.

BTW, p3 seems does not support a mask masked by another mask, or a game object masked by more then 1 mask. Therefore… I guess circle masked image won’t work.

Thank for your reply?
So, how i can create a circle image?
No way?

As i know, with Phaser 2, we can create a circle bitmapdata then fill it by an image to make a circle image.
Does Phaser 3 support same feature?

Create circle mask at bitmapdata (canvas) is a solution. You might try to create a circle masked image by canvas texture.

Or I could add another plugin to create this kind of image (without using mask). Here is a demo, document.