How to create collisions with two static bodies using matter

Hi I’m trying to collide two game objects using matter, one is the foreground and is set to be static and the other is the player-controlled character which I want to also set to be static. The problem is when both objects are set to be static they don’t detect collision with each other anymore, however, when the character has isStatic set to false they still detect collision. How can I make it so that they are both static but still collide with each other?

Heres the code for where I create the objects, I used physics editor to create the shapes and they are set to static in the shape json. = this.matter.add.sprite(64, height/2, "character", null, {shape: 

this.foreground = this.matter.add.sprite(0,0,"night-foreground", null, {shape: this.shapes.Night}) this.foreground.setPosition(this.foreground.width/2, this.foreground.height - 65);
