How to make a complex shape clickable

Hi, im trying to make an sprite clickable here is my code

import Phaser from "phaser";

export default class Game extends Phaser.Scene {
  constructor() {

  preload() {
    this.load.json("shapes", "assets/spaceship.json");
    this.load.atlas("sheet", "assets/SpaceShip1.png", "assets/spaceship.json");
    this.load.image("spaceship", "assets/SpaceShip1.png");

  create() {

    const shapes = this.cache.json.get("shapes");

    const spaceship = this.matter.add
      .sprite(180, 320, "", "sheet", { shape: shapes.SpaceShip1 })

      spaceship.on("pointerdown", this.shootLaser);

i exported the “spaceship.json” from PhysicsEditor i want to make the spaceship itself clickable not the frame of the original image
i tried to use setInteractive() with Phaser.Geom.Polygon but it didnt work and here is the vertices it made of multiple shapes:

"vertices": [
					[ { "x":453, "y":0 }, { "x":402, "y":121 }, { "x":382, "y":290 }, { "x":382, "y":432 }, { "x":519, "y":438 }, { "x":506, "y":157 } ],
					[ { "x":632, "y":1056 }, { "x":710, "y":947 }, { "x":716, "y":912 }, { "x":508, "y":935 } ],
					[ { "x":254, "y":1055 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":179, "y":919 }, { "x":181, "y":952 } ],
					[ { "x":382, "y":432 }, { "x":346, "y":529 }, { "x":345, "y":611 }, { "x":570, "y":654 }, { "x":552, "y":525 }, { "x":519, "y":438 } ],
					[ { "x":0, "y":662 }, { "x":11, "y":702 }, { "x":88, "y":826 }, { "x":158, "y":746 } ],
					[ { "x":158, "y":746 }, { "x":88, "y":826 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":214, "y":751 } ],
					[ { "x":736, "y":912 }, { "x":776, "y":843 }, { "x":716, "y":912 } ],
					[ { "x":570, "y":654 }, { "x":345, "y":611 }, { "x":327, "y":649 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":674, "y":742 } ],
					[ { "x":716, "y":912 }, { "x":776, "y":843 }, { "x":881, "y":686 }, { "x":735, "y":750 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":508, "y":935 } ],
					[ { "x":157, "y":913 }, { "x":179, "y":919 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":109, "y":833 } ],
					[ { "x":214, "y":751 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":327, "y":649 } ],
					[ { "x":674, "y":742 }, { "x":395, "y":927 }, { "x":735, "y":750 } ],
					[ { "x":429, "y":1052 }, { "x":437, "y":1035 }, { "x":395, "y":927 } ],
					[ { "x":437, "y":1035 }, { "x":473, "y":1035 }, { "x":508, "y":935 }, { "x":395, "y":927 } ],
					[ { "x":805, "y":826 }, { "x":881, "y":686 }, { "x":776, "y":843 } ],
					[ { "x":874, "y":674 }, { "x":735, "y":750 }, { "x":881, "y":686 } ],
					[ { "x":477, "y":1054 }, { "x":508, "y":935 }, { "x":473, "y":1035 } ]