I have a maze game in which I need the player (a sprite which uses matter physics) to collide with the walls of the maze. I have tried using collision categories but its not working. It logs an error which says “layer.setCollisionCategory is not a function”. Where am I going wrong please? Thanks in advance.
import Level from './Level.js';
class MazeLevel extends Level {
constructor (config)
super((config) ? config : { key: 'mazelevel' });
this.prefabShardWidth = 384;
this.prefabShardHeight = 384;
this.prefabMapWidth = 0;
this.prefabMapHeight = 0;
create() {
// Add the player (see Level.js)
this.addPlayer({ x: this.startPosition.x, y: this.startPosition.y });
// generate the maze (see MazePlugin.js)
let maze = this.maze.generate(32, 8); //original is 32, and 8 so this stays the same
// make the topLeft and bottomRight of the maze open so we can add exits
// calculate total size in pixels
this.prefabMapWidth = this.prefabShardWidth * this.maze.gridWidth;
this.prefabMapHeight = this.prefabShardHeight * this.maze.gridHeight;
this.cameras.main.setBounds(24, 0, this.prefabMapWidth - 32, this.prefabMapHeight);
this.matter.world.setBounds(0, 0, this.prefabMapWidth, this.prefabMapHeight);
// get the merged tile data
let tiledata = this.maze.createMapData({ key: 'map', shardW: 4, shardH: 4});
// create the map
let map = this.make.tilemap({ data: tiledata, tileWidth: 96, tileHeight:96});
let tiles = map.addTilesetImage('tiles', 'tiles', 96, 96, 0, 0);
let layer = map.createStaticLayer(0, tiles, 0, 0);
var cat1 = this.matter.world.nextCategory();
var cat2 = this.matter.world.nextCategory();
update(time, delta) {
this.player.update(this.controls, time, delta);
export default MazeLevel;