After multiple tests, i have identify my problem and i could reproduce it.
# The problem
My problem in my game is using a lot of text (+/-20 text_objects). When i run this game in browser everything is fast. But when i run it from my mobile trough cordova the main scene require a lot of time to launch and after the splash screen the game wait about 2-3 seconds to launch the main scene.
# test example to reproduce the problem
Scene configuration :
-boot (preload my assets)
-splash (splash screen)
-main (my huge scene, i use 500 text_objects to reveal the problem)
But the result is the same. Is it not possible to launch the main scene in the background and when the main scene is ready switch to her ? When i launch the main scene,it seems like the phone calculates the main scene, slow down the game and then switch to main scene, with a lot of times.
The problem is “drawing” all the text. It can be done while the scene is hidden but that won’t make a difference, it’s still going to lock up the browser.
Is it any trick to avoid this ? The major games launch a progress bar at the beginning (like the preloader for the assets) and when it’s ready the game is launching. Not possible to do that without feels the lag of calculating ?
// hide the loading screen when at the end of create()
let loadingScreen = document.getElementById('loading-screen')
if (loadingScreen) = 'none'
You could also use some css to smoothly fade away the loading screen, like I did in the platformer example.
The advantage of this approach, is that the user will immediately see the loading screen. Even before the JavaScript for the Phaser games has been loaded by the browser.
This is definitely possible. The cause of your issue is that the construction of the text and setting a stroke on each text is super processor intensive. To avoid this, create your text in your preloader/splash screen and set the ignoreDestroy property to true. Then save your text array to a global variable.
In your game scene, you can now just add the text with this.add.existing.
Preloader/Splash screen:
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
this.time.delayedCall(i * 10, () => {
let random_x = Math.random() * 600
let random_y = Math.random() * 600
let text = this.add.text(random_x, random_y, 'test', {
fontFamily: 'Fredoka',
fontSize: 70,
color: '#ffffff',
}).setStroke('#62270c', 12);
text.ignoreDestroy = true;
this.time.delayedCall(5000, ()=>{
Main Scene:
for(let i = 0; i < GLOBAL_ARRAY.length; i++){
It does not “detect” if the scene is ready. But since create() is execute synchronous by default and you remove the loading screen at the end of create(), the scene will be ready when you set display to none.
This does only work if you use synchronous code. Else you would maybe remove the loading screen in the first update() loop.