How to set collision between Bullet class and Asteroids?


I would like to give a Bullet class collision detection so that when the player shoots something, like an asteroid, the bullets will hit and bounce off the asteroid. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work. I am using impact physics, not arcade. Here is everything relating to the Bullet class:

 state = {
    game: {
      type: Phaser.AUTO,
      physics: {
        default: "impact",
        impact: {
          setBounds: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            width: mapWidth,
            height: 700,
            thickness: 32
      scene: {
        extend: {
          bullets: null,
          lastFired: 0,
          firingGun: false,
        preload: function() {
          this.load.image("bullet", "assets/bullet6.png");
          this.textures.addBase64("bullet", bullet);

       this.load.image("flares", "assets/yellow.png");
          this.textures.addBase64("flares", flares);

        create: function() {
            let Bullet = new Phaser.Class({
            Extends: Phaser.GameObjects.Image,

            initialize: function Bullet(scene) {
    , scene, 0, 0, "bullet");

              this.speed = 0;
              this.born = 0;

            fire: function(player) {
              if (player.flipX) {
                //  Facing left
                this.setPosition(player.x - 120, player.y + 10);
                this.speed = Phaser.Math.GetSpeed(-2000 + player.vel.x, 1);
              } else {
                //  Facing right
                this.setPosition(player.x + 120, player.y + 10);
                this.speed = Phaser.Math.GetSpeed(2000 + player.vel.x, 1);

              this.born = 0;

            update: function(time, delta) {
              this.x += this.speed * delta;

              this.born += delta;

              if (this.born > 2000) {

         this.bullets ={
            classType: Bullet,
            runChildUpdate: true

        const createBulletEmitter = () => {
            this.flares = this.add
                x: 200,
                y: 350,
                angle: { min: 170, max: 190 },
                scale: { start: 0.4, end: 0.2 },
                blendMode: "ADD",
                lifespan: 20,
                on: false

        update: function(time, delta) {
          if ( && time > this.lastFired) {
            let bullet = this.bullets.get();

            if (bullet) {

              this.lastFired = time + 100;

            if (this.firingGun === false) {
              this.firingGun = true;
          if (! {
            this.firingGun = false;

          //  Emitters to bullets
          this.bullets.children.each(function(b) {
            if ( {
              this.flares.setPosition(b.x, b.y);
              this.flares.setSpeed(b.speed + 500 * -1);
          }, this);

Sorry I know it’s a lot. But I have no idea how to go about this. Any help would be appreciated.

If you want collisions your bullet class should extend Phaser.Physics.Impact.Sprite not Phaser.GameObjects.Image

In your bullet group config you have put classType: Bullet. This should be classType: Phaser.Physics.Impact.Sprite

Then when you want to add to a group use groupName.add(new yourClass());

To create a collision between two sprites/sprite groups use something like this from within your scene:
this.physics.add.collider(bullets, ship); // You can also add a callback function that will execute on collision


You can use { classType: Bullet } once you’ve changed Bullet to extend Phaser.Physics.Impact.Sprite.

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