For my game I want multiple levels using the same tileset, but different layouts (defined using tiled).
What is the best way to organise my game code to achieve this?
Right now I’m trying a weird approach where I add the player and particles in the ‘gameScene’ class and the level specific stuff in the ‘levelOne’ scene class and running them in parralel, but it’s pretty confusing.
Should I just make each level it’s complete own scene, even if it means repeating the preloading of images and defining physics groups (for tiled objects)?
I already have the player movement and controls in a seperate class, which definetly is a good first step.
TLDR: Just need some guidance on how to start organising my code for a level-based game using scenes and classes. Thanks!
You can make a PreloadScene so you just preloads your assets once.
You can make a scene per level, lot of people do it this way.
I personnaly don’t create a scene per level, i just destroy the map and the enemies, load a new one and reset the player’s position. My tiled maps contains objects layers with enemies position and doors that contains the next map with the next player position.
And then when the player switches to a new level (currently by pressing ‘H’ for testing), I tried to destroy the previous level before calling the loadLevel() function.
This is in the update function.
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyH)) {
However, when I try and load the new level, I get the error “layerData is undefined”.
I also tried to use “this.level.destroy()” but got the same error.
Here’s what i do when changing the level, perhaps your problem comes from calling it in the update method, and don’t forget to preload all yours levels
this.level = this.make.tilemap({ key:key, tileWidth: 16, tileHeight: 16 });
this.tileset = this.level.addTilesetImage([0].name, 'tiles', 16, 16); // only needed if you change the tileset
this.platforms = this.level.createStaticLayer("platforms", this.tileset, 0, 0);
and recreate the colliders