Input from gameObject

Am having some kind an unexpected behaviour in my game to be specific it’s the gameobject that i have set to being interactive, it works like a button whenever but whenever i slide my finger from the screen while am touching on the game object, it gets locked in that state and whatever callback that is tied to that event gets called forever. For example in create

let blast = this.add.image(0,0,'blastBtn').setInteractive();
	this.blastOff();//this is the function to be called whenever the blast object gets clicked
// some code to run

It is not the first time for this to happen, almost all games i have created , behave like this.

You mean that blastOff() is called continuously?

@samme yeah when am holding the game object down and accidentally slide my finger slowly off that gameObject, it stays down and the only way to put it back to normal is by clicked on it again.
And if you don’t specify the number of active pointer, %he player will be unable to click any other object