Is it possible to set multiple Texture to Sprite Class?

Is it possible to set multiple Texture to Sprite Class ??
I using this example code

class Brain extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {

    constructor (scene, x, y)
        super(scene, x, y);
        this.setTexture('another_sprite');  //<- add another sprite                  
        this.setPosition(x, y);
    preUpdate (time, delta)
        super.preUpdate(time, delta);
         this.rotation += 0.01;
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

function preload ()
    this.load.image('brain', 'assets/sprites/brain.png');
    this.load.image('another_sprite', 'assets/sprites/another_sprite.png');  //<- add another sprite          

But finally it only successful to show the last sprite.
One of my way to solve my problem

this.another_sprite = scene.add.image('another_sprite');
preUpdate (time, delta)
        super.preUpdate(time, delta);
         this.rotation += 0.01;
         this.another_sprite += 0.01;

to Sprite Class

Is there any best way to set multiple Texture to Sprite Class ??

Thank you very much

.setTexture only assigns the textures that this sprite will be using. calling it many times just overrides already set one.
for displaying multiple textures/images try creating separate new sprites

game objects/container