Is there easy way to create slope platform with Arcade physic?

I would like to create a platformer game and handle slopes platform when player stands on it.

I want to use arcade physic because it easy and fast physics engine for your games.

like this phaser 2 example

or learn matter.js ???
any idea??

Is it possible to use Arcade physic Object(Player) to stand on Matter Object(Slope platform)?

Thank you for your time reading and replying to my question.

Matter.js is probably the simplest solution. There’s a plugin to add slope support to Arcade, but it’s only for Phaser 2 / CE.

The code in the example you’ve found is not hard to port to Phaser 3 if you want to avoid Matter.js. The logic is the same, but game.physics.arcade would change to this.physics. The intersect method is available on the world,

Hi there, this might be a little bit late to the topic, but after trying out Matterjs and finding out there are a few problems with ghost collisions and all of that… I came back to Arcade Physics again :sweat_smile:

I picked up that example from above :point_up_2: and tried out implementing it on Phaser3
Here is the result