Issue trying to clear texture cache


I am trying to replace an object image (cache) and I found this thread about this but for some reason it didn’t work for me. This is what I did:


var scnPlay = this.add.image(0,0, "scnMap");

For some reason it still insists on to instantiate the Map1, making me believe that is is NOT removing the first image and neither loading the second.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?


EDIT: It seems that it had been reported as a bug almost two years ago and was set as fixed, but unless I am doing something really wrong looks to me that it wasn’t really fixed. I am not using “atlas” though.

Are you doing this all at once? Because, e.g., you can’t remove scnMap before it’s downloaded into the cache.

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You are absolutely right, that’s exactlywhat I was trying to do… Lesson learned!
