Issue with button fading?

so i’m trying to fade out all of my menu buttons at the same time when clicking on 1 of the menu buttons, but for some reason it’s only fading out the one i clicked on when it should fade out all my buttons at the same time when clicked.

Here’s the direct link to project :

Here’s the direct link to 'Button.js' :

Here’s the direct link to 'TitleScene.js' :

Here’s the code{s} in 'TitleScene.js' to create the button{s}, Line{s} '85 - 106' & '198 - 220' :

CreateGameButton : function ( __objData ) {

	this.__objData = __objData;
	this.__buttons = new Button ( );

	this.__buttons.CreateButton ({

		scene : this.__objData.scene, 
		add : this.__objData.add, 
		x : this.__objData.x, 
		y : this.__objData.y, 
		key1 : this.__objData.key1, 
		key2 : this.__objData.key2, 
		text : this.__objData.text, 
		targetScene : this.__objData.targetScene, 
		locked : this.__objData.locked, 


	return this.__buttons;


in 'create ( )' :

for ( this.__i = 0; this.__i <= 2; this.__i++ ) {

	// Game

	this.__button [ this.__i ] = this.CreateGameButton ({
		scene : this.__scene, add : this.add, x : this.__buttonX [ this.__i ], 
		y : this.__buttonY [ this.__i ], key1 : this.__buttonKeys [ 0 ], key2 : this.__buttonKeys [ 1 ], 
		text : this.__buttonText [ this.__i ], targetScene : this.__buttonTargetScene [ this.__i ], locked : this.__buttonLocked [ this.__i ]

	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaLevel [ this.__i ];
	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaDuration [ this.__i ];

	this.tweens.add ({
		targets : this.__button [ this.__i ], 
		alpha : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ], 
		duration : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ], 

	this.__btnObjects.push ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );
		console.log ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );


Here’s the code{s} in 'Button.js' used to attempt to fade out all buttons :

In 'Button.js', Line{s} '63 - 78' :

this.button.on ( 'pointerdown', function ( ) {
    this.__scene.tweens.add ({
        targets : [
            this.button, this.__text, 
        targetScenes : this.__targetScene, 
        repeat : 0, 
        duration : 750, 
        alpha : { from : 1.0, to : 0.0 }, 
        easeType : 'Linear', 
        yoyo : false, 
        onComplete : ( ) => {
            this.__scene.scene.start ( this.__targetScene );
}.bind ( this ) );

Hopefully I explained correctly. If not, please do let me know & I will do my best to go into it in more depth.

Any help is as always, GREATLY appreciated!

You need to include all the buttons in tween targets.

Also, Button shouldn’t extend Phaser.Scene.

@samme : but i thought i do that with 'this.button' ?

I think it’s just one.

this.button = this.__scene.add.sprite ( this.x, this.y, this.__key1 ).setInteractive ( );

@samme : so what would i add?

Maybe do it from TitleScene instead, using targets: this.__btnObjects.

@samme : what am I doing wrong here? the buttons show up, but when I click on 1 of them, I get an error : phaser.js:29829 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined :

CreateGameButton : function ( __objData ) {

	this.__objData = __objData;
	this.__buttons = new Button ( );

	this.__buttons.CreateButton ({

		scene : this.__objData.scene, 
		add : this.__objData.add, 
		x : this.__objData.x, 
		y : this.__objData.y, 
		key1 : this.__objData.key1, 
		key2 : this.__objData.key2, 
		text : this.__objData.text, 
		targetScene : this.__objData.targetScene, 
		locked : this.__objData.locked, 


	return this.__buttons;

this.__btnObjects = [ ];

for ( this.__i = 0; this.__i <= 2; this.__i++ ) {

	// Game

	this.__button [ this.__i ] = this.CreateGameButton ({
		scene : this.__scene, add : this.add, x : this.__buttonX [ this.__i ], 
		y : this.__buttonY [ this.__i ], key1 : this.__buttonKeys [ 0 ], key2 : this.__buttonKeys [ 1 ], 
		text : this.__buttonText [ this.__i ], targetScene : this.__buttonTargetScene [ this.__i ], locked : this.__buttonLocked [ this.__i ]

	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaLevel [ this.__i ];
	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaDuration [ this.__i ];

	this.tweens.add ({
		targets : this.__button [ this.__i ], 
		alpha : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ], 
		duration : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ], 

	this.__btnObjects.push ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );
	console.log ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );

	this.__btnObjects [ this.__i ].button.on ( 'pointerdown', function ( ) {
		this.__scene.tweens.add ({
			targets : [
				this.__btnObjects, this.__buttonText [ this.__i ], 
			targetScenes : this.__buttonTargetScene [ this.__i ], 
			repeat : 0, 
			duration : 750, 
			alpha : { from : 1.0, to : 0.0 }, 
			easeType : 'Linear', 
			yoyo : false, 
			onComplete : ( ) => {
				this.__scene.scene.start ( this.__buttonTargetScene );
	}.bind ( this ) );


Re. the tween config,

  1. targets must be an array of objects to tween, so buttons only.
  2. targetScenes isn’t a tweenable property of the targets, so remove it.
  3. Fix the argument to scene.start().
  targets: this.__btnObjects,
  repeat: 0,
  duration: 750,
  alpha: { from: 1.0, to: 0.0 },
  yoyo: false,
  onComplete: () => {

Stepping through your code will help you find a lot of these problems.

@samme : now it’s not doing anything. It’s sitting there :

Yes, but after that what does that mean? I don’t see what’s going on here.

Look at the value of this.__buttonTargetScene[this.__i], in Watch Expressions.

@samme : But why? Why is it undefined?

@samme : I define it above as :

this.__buttonTargetScene = [

	'GameScene', 'OptionsScene', 'CreditsScene', 


Hi @Thundros,
If you look at the @samme screenshot:
this.__i == 3
this.__buttonTargetScene[3] == undefined
You are using this loop:
for ( this.__i = 0; this.__i <= 2; this.__i++ ){}
this.__i reaches the value 3 because it is outside the block scope and the instruction this.__i++ is the last to execute in the loop.
With let keyword you can add block scope:
for ( let i = 0; i <= 2; i++ ){}
Good luck.

@jjcapellan : are you saying it should be '< 2' instead of '<= 2' ?

You have to change your loop variable scope.

@jjcapellan : like this? :

for ( this.__i = 0; this.__i <= 2; this.__i++ ) {

	// Game

	this.__button [ this.__i ] = this.CreateGameButton ({
		scene : this.__scene, add : this.add, x : this.__buttonX [ this.__i ], 
		y : this.__buttonY [ this.__i ], key1 : this.__buttonKeys [ 0 ], key2 : this.__buttonKeys [ 1 ], 
		text : this.__buttonText [ this.__i ], targetScene : this.__buttonTargetScene [ this.__i ], locked : this.__buttonLocked [ this.__i ]

	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaLevel [ this.__i ];
	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaDuration [ this.__i ];

	this.__btnObjects.push ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );
	console.log ( this.__button [ this.__i ] );

	this.tweens.add ({
		targets : this.__btnObjects [ this.__i ], 
		alpha : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ this.__i ], 
		duration : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ this.__i ], 

	this.__btnObjects [ this.__i ].button.on ( 'pointerdown', function ( ) {
		for ( this.__j = 0; this.__j <= 2; this.__j++ ) {
			this.__scene.tweens.add ({
				targets : this.__btnObjects [ this.__j ], 
				repeat : 0, 
				duration : 750, 
				alpha : { from : 1.0, to : 0.0 }, 
				yoyo : false, 
				onComplete : ( ) => {
					this.scene.start (
	}.bind ( this ) );


I mean the variable you are using as a loop counter. If you use the keyword this (this.i), you are taking it out of the loop scope.
The solution:

@jjcapellan : so it’s working now, but why it is not fading all 3 buttons out when 1 is pressed? :

for ( let __i = 0; __i <= 2; __i++ ) {

	// Game

	this.__button [ __i ] = this.CreateGameButton ({
		scene : this.__scene, add : this.add, x : this.__buttonX [ __i ], 
		y : this.__buttonY [ __i ], key1 : this.__buttonKeys [ 0 ], key2 : this.__buttonKeys [ 1 ], 
		text : this.__buttonText [ __i ], targetScene : this.__buttonTargetScene [ __i ], locked : this.__buttonLocked [ __i ]

	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ __i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaLevel [ __i ];
	this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ __i ] = this.__fadeInMenu ( ).__buttonAlphaDuration [ __i ];

	this.__btnObjects.push ( this.__button [ __i ] );
	console.log ( this.__button [ __i ] );

	this.tweens.add ({
		targets : this.__btnObjects [ __i ], 
		alpha : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaLevel [ __i ], 
		duration : this.__buttonFadeInAlphaDuration [ __i ], 

	this.__btnObjects [ __i ].button.on ( 'pointerdown', function ( ) {
		this.__scene.tweens.add ({
			targets : this.__btnObjects [ __i ], 
			repeat : 0, 
			duration : 750, 
			alpha : { from : 1.0, to : 0.0 }, 
			yoyo : false, 
			onComplete : ( ) => {
				this.scene.start (
					this.__buttonTargetScene [ __i ], 
	}.bind ( this ) );

this.__btnObjects [ __i ].button.on ( 'pointerdown', function ( ) {
	this.__scene.tweens.add ({
		targets : this.__btnObjects [ __i ], 
		repeat : 0, 
		duration : 750, 
		alpha : { from : 1.0, to : 0.0 }, 
		yoyo : false, 
		onComplete : ( ) => {
			this.scene.start (
				this.__buttonTargetScene [ __i ], 
}.bind ( this ) );