
I know forums in general usually have a lot of people asking for help and bringing up issues.
I just wanted to take a moment to express what an awesome framework phaser 3 is. I have used other frameworks in the past, but phaser 3 seems the most intuitive to me. I really want to compliment you on the scene system. I am remaking a game that was 80 % done in another framework and converting it to phaser 3. The scene and registry systems has made it so easy for me to have mini self contained games running as sub scenes within a main scene.

Keep up the great work and know that it’s so greatly appreciated.


I’m really struggling with creating projects in javascript. I’d like to use TypeScript, but I guess I’d need to know javascript before being able to really use TypeScript.
But I agree, phaser 3 is really intuitive and easy to learn. It takes away a ton of work and it’s possible to see good results very quickly.

Thank you both :grinning:

hear hear!