Let config = { type: Phaser.Auto, ......};

Hello All just a quick question if I may. I am new to Phaser but have other coding and web design experience.
I am following this tutorial ::~//Making your first Phaser 3 game: Part 1 - Introduction - Learn - Phaser

By using the config.js does this eliminate the need to use the canvas html tag in the body?
I had seen in other basic HTML5 2D game the need to include the canvas tag in the index.html

Blockquote The type property can be either Phaser.CANVAS , Phaser.WEBGL , or Phaser.AUTO . This is the rendering context that you want to use for your game. The recommended value is Phaser.AUTO which automatically tries to use WebGL, but if the browser or device doesn’t support it it’ll fall back to Canvas. The canvas element that Phaser creates will be simply be appended to the document at the point the script was called, but you can also specify a parent container in the game config should you wish.

Just wondering that’s all and finding out a few other things, while just getting going. My first question on the forums also, I have to start somewhere !!

Braking the newbie bubble …
Thanks and Peace…

By default, Phaser will automatically create a canvas for you and set it up according to your config options. If you want to override that and use your own <canvas> element, you can use the canvas option in the config.

The type property doesn’t influence the creation of the <canvas>. It determines which API Phaser will use to render (either WebGL or the standard Canvas API). All types use a <canvas> element.

Thank you for your time. It made sense and was looking to find a hole explanation. Following a few different resources on 2D game.

Good Stuff and I am sure I will be back, thanks.
