Does anyone have a complete example indicating how to load a Spine animation (atlas, json and png) through the AssetManifest file using for automatic bundling with Webpack?
Normal spine loading works as follows:
this.load.spine('logo', 'animations/splashscreen/splashscreen.json', [ 'animations/splashscreen/splashscreen.atlas' ], true);
Need to do this though asset manifest file.
import { Scene } from "phaser"
import atlas from "./Spined/Zombie/zombie1.atlas"
import json from "./Spined/Zombie/zombie1.json"
import png from "./Spined/Zombie/zombie1.png"
// Put the webpack generated hashed filename of the "png" into the atlas.
console.log({ png })
export default class ZombieWalkingScene extends Scene {
preload() {
let scene = this
scene.load.image("_ZOMBIE1", png)
scene.load.spine("ZOMBIE1", json, atlas)
create() {
let scene = this
let { height, width } =
scene.ZOMBIE1 = scene.add.spine(width/2, height/2, "ZOMBIE1", "WALK", true)
Webpack always hashes the “png” file with the same file name - so as long as you don’t edit the file itself you can hardcode the webpack-build-filename into the atlas file. Leave the first line blank! Example:
size: 1024,512
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
// etc
Hope that helps, Tim-From-The-Past!