Loading text appears wrong side after restart

@samme @UltimateProGrammer

I’ve somehow created a small example which demonstrates the issue. The github url is here: https://github.com/novaknole/phaser .

The issue is the following: when you run the website for the first time in portrait mode (Iphone X) , loading text appears at the correct place. All good. Below there’s a restart button . Now, if you click on it, you will see that loading will appear at a very bad place. To test this better, make sure to disable cache in browser and turn on 3G fast network instead of online in chrome.

Note that there are many things I do in this code, but they are all necessary, because if you remove some stuff, then other issues appear. all I know is that the issue i am talking about is caused by .setScroll(0, GAME_HEIGHT);

Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.