Making your first Phaser 3 game problem

I just started using Phaser and I am doing the Making your first Phaser 3 game tutorial ( and in the update function, the code is

function update ()
if (cursors.left.isDown)
player.setVelocityX(-160);'left', true);
	else if (cursors.right.isDown)
	    player.setVelocityX(160);'right', true);

	if (cursors.up.isDown && player.body.touching.down)


If I run it in Chrome, it looks like the keys are not released as once the player starts moving it doesn’t stop, and basically you get stuck there. I ran the code in Safari and it runs smoothly. Can anyone help me to understand it?

Best regards,

Try disabling extensions until it works.

Hi Milton,

Thanks for your reply. I will try it, but what if you are going to release a game, won’t it be a nightmare? This is something very basic, I am afraid what might happen with more sophisticated stuff,


This is rare, and I’m just guessing here. Try a new install of Chrome (on an other system). The same can happen with any browser or any other platform. If you install software that doesn’t play nicely with others…

Got what you mean, I will move on, but being the first experience with Phaser, it scared me, thanks!

Pull request sent!

I had this same problem and corrected it by modifying Phaser 3. When filtering duplicate events (KeyboardPlugin.js line 750 @v3.50.1) the key code is checked, and the timestamp, but not the event type. My browser, Firefox 84, sends keydown and keyup with the same timestamp sometimes, and as written, phaser 3 is skipping the keyup.

Original Phaser3:

//  Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime)
	//  On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.

this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;

Prove trouble by cjw6k:

//  Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime)
	// Illustrate the bug
	if(event.type !== this.prevType){
		console.log('oh noes! filtered valid key event');
	//  On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.

this.prevType = event.type;
this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;

I did my fix in phaser.js at line 185389 @v3.50.1 and am running the unminified & patched code now while I keep going checking out how Phaser3 works. The real fix needs to get into github and into the source code for minification and etc. I’m posting up there next.

Modified/fixed code by cjw6k:

//  Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime && event.type === this.prevType)
	//  On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.

this.prevType = event.type;
this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;

I wanted to post here for any others who like me are seeing this problem and abandoning Phaser during their first-look, because of this issue during the ‘make your first Phaser 3 game tutorial’.