If I run it in Chrome, it looks like the keys are not released as once the player starts moving it doesn’t stop, and basically you get stuck there. I ran the code in Safari and it runs smoothly. Can anyone help me to understand it?
Thanks for your reply. I will try it, but what if you are going to release a game, won’t it be a nightmare? This is something very basic, I am afraid what might happen with more sophisticated stuff,
This is rare, and I’m just guessing here. Try a new install of Chrome (on an other system). The same can happen with any browser or any other platform. If you install software that doesn’t play nicely with others…
I had this same problem and corrected it by modifying Phaser 3. When filtering duplicate events (KeyboardPlugin.js line 750 @v3.50.1) the key code is checked, and the timestamp, but not the event type. My browser, Firefox 84, sends keydown and keyup with the same timestamp sometimes, and as written, phaser 3 is skipping the keyup.
Original Phaser3:
// Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime)
// On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.
this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;
Prove trouble by cjw6k:
// Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime)
// Illustrate the bug
if(event.type !== this.prevType){
console.log('oh noes! filtered valid key event');
// On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.
this.prevType = event.type;
this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;
I did my fix in phaser.js at line 185389 @v3.50.1 and am running the unminified & patched code now while I keep going checking out how Phaser3 works. The real fix needs to get into github and into the source code for minification and etc. I’m posting up there next.
Modified/fixed code by cjw6k:
// Duplicate event bailout
if (code === this.prevCode && event.timeStamp === this.prevTime && event.type === this.prevType)
// On some systems, the exact same event will fire multiple times. This prevents it.
this.prevType = event.type;
this.prevCode = code;
this.prevTime = event.timeStamp;
I wanted to post here for any others who like me are seeing this problem and abandoning Phaser during their first-look, because of this issue during the ‘make your first Phaser 3 game tutorial’.