Matter and PhysicsEditor Scale Problem

Hi, I used physics and the PhysicsEditor to set up two collisions on the box image: vertices and circle.
I set the scale of 1 of 2 sprites to 0.5 and the vertices shrank but the circle did not.
When is the method wrong? :sweat_smile:
Is there any way to reduce circle?



    function preload() {
        this.load.image('block', 'assets/block.png');
        this.load.json('shapes', 'assets/box.json');
    function create() {, 0, 854, 480);
        const shapes = this.cache.json.get('shapes');
        this.matter.add.sprite(200, 20, 'block', 'block', { shape: shapes.block });
        this.matter.add.sprite(400, 20, 'block', 'block', { shape: shapes.block }).setScale(0.5);
    const config = {
            type: Phaser.AUTO,
            parent: 'phaser-example',
            width: 854,
            height: 480,
            scene: {
                preload: preload,
                create: create
            physics: {
                default: 'matter',
                matter: {
                    debug: true
    const game = new Phaser.Game(config);

Physics box.json file

	"generator_info": "Shape definitions generated with PhysicsEditor. Visit",
	"block": {
		"type": "fromPhysicsEditor",
		"label": "block",
		"isStatic": false,
		"density": 0.1,
		"restitution": 0,
		"friction": 0.1,
		"frictionAir": 0.01,
		"frictionStatic": 0.5,
		"collisionFilter": {
			"group": 0,
			"category": 1,
			"mask": 255
		"fixtures": [
				"label": "",
				"isSensor": false,
				"vertices": [
					[ { "x":3, "y":93 }, { "x":91, "y":94 }, { "x":95, "y":89 }, { "x":88, "y":0 }, { "x":4, "y":1 }, { "x":0, "y":6 } ],
					[ { "x":95, "y":6 }, { "x":88, "y":0 }, { "x":95, "y":89 } ]
				"label": "",
				"isSensor": false,
				"circle": {
					"x": 48,
					"y": 47,
					"radius": 45.221676218380054