I’ve been looking at setRenderToTexture() and all the pipeline stuff but I’m not sure if that’s what I need to complete my task. I am looking to replace the layers in my minimap camera with my own grid image while keeping all of the player/enemy objects on top as usual. How would I go about doing this? Thank you.
If it’s a second camera then you can use ignore.
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That works perfectly for removing the layer I was talking about. Thank you. Do you know how I would go about setting an image in that second camera, now?
Actually I have an idea now of adding that image to my main camera and all that now and utilizing ignore. I’ll go ahead and label your answer as the solution! Thanks @samme!
Have the main camera ignore one image and the second camera ignore another.
Does someone have a codepen of this?
Thank You!
camera/minimap-camera is a little like this.
This doesn’t show the dot where the player is on the map.
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